Week 30

Amanda-ODonoughue- my morning meditation- FLAMy Morning Meditation, Florida

felicedouglas_hiding_GermanyHiding, Germany

stephaniejackson_book light_ohio_wk30Book Light, Ohio

July 29, 2016 DSC_6890_850pxAt the Ballgame, Pennsylvania

30beckyventeicher_the moment her favorite song began to play, VirginiaThe moment her favorite song began to play, Virginia

Kirsty Larmour-waiting for th rain to pass_longshen China_ Week 30 smWaiting for the rain to pass, Longshen, China

jenlucas_BeachDay_LakeSuperior-1Beach Day, Lake Superior, Wisconsin

chloelodge_365 steps_Mallorca_week 30365 Steps, Mallorca

Processed with VSCOcam with b5 presetMeet me at the peak, Greece

gingerwillard.to.fly.delaware.wk30To Fly, Delaware

nicolaberry_Water Wings_Hong Kong-2Water Wings, Hong Kong

Deb Schwedhelm-common sense-LondonCommon Sense, London

JaroszKristine30_Cousin Camp 2016_Pinehurst NCCousin Camp, Pinehurst, North Carolina

%22Showered%22 with love at our Baby Shower- Frankston, Australia-Megan-Gardner-Wk30Showered with love at our baby shower, Frankston, Australia

30-kaypickens-TryingToNap-MO-6076Trying to Nap, Missouri

breanna peterson. hello. alaskaHello, Alaska

amandafraser_hisbabies_brisbane_australia_wk30His Babies, Brisbane, Australia

Rowe Timson_The dog who loves coconuts_BaliThe dog who loves coconuts, Bali

week30-pamela joye - home - massachusettsHome, Massachusetts

VermontBest skipper on Lake Champlain, Vermont

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