Week 3

017.365Snowy Dog Walk, Massachusetts

jaroszk3_winter walk_Wassenaar_the netherlandsWinter Walk, The Netherlands

Kirsty Larmour_bookworm_Abu Dhabi_Week03Bookworm, Abu Dhabi

jenlucas_Quiet_Wisconsin_Week3Quiet, Wisconsin

colleen_putman_winter_waves_east_hampton_nyWinter Waves, East Hampton, New York

Harper's first time at the Zoo-Melbourne,Australia-Megan-Gardner-Wk3Harper’s first time at the zoo, Melbourne, Australia

Amanda-ODonoughue-rich-floridaRich, Florida

Efi Panagoula_we fly_GreeceWe Fly, Greece

chloelodge_Birthday Treat_Dubai_week 3Birthday Treat, Dubai

File Jan 25, 8 58 12 PMTeenage Girls will Save the World, Morristown, New Jersey

breanna peterson. 2018 womens march. kodiak, alaska-12018 Women’s March, Kodiak, Alaska

DebSchwedhelm-Lines-VirginiaLines, Virginia

Week 2

colleen_putman_neighborhood_bird_house_manhattanNeighborhood Bird House, Manhattan, New York

WYWH-The Early Bird..., Lake Eildon, Australia-Megan-Gardner-Wk2The Early Bird…, Lake Eildon, Australia

nicolaberry_Summer Intensive Auditions, School of American Ballet, New YorkSummer Intensive Auditions, School of American Ballet, New York

kjarosz2_Away Game _Antwerp_BelgiumAway Game, Antwerp, Belgium

Kirsty Larmour_desert fort explorers_Al Ain_Week02Desert Fort Explorers, Al Ain

014.365Finding Warmth in the Greenhouse, Massachusetts

2beckyventeicher_heart art, VirginiaHeart Art, Virginia

02-KayPickens-#FreePoppy-Missouri-8225Free Poppy, Missouri

jenlucas_HalfFullLife_WIHalf Full Life, Wisconsin

DebSchwedhelm-G.O.A.T.-VirginiaG.O.A.T., Virginia

Amanda-ODonoughue-Pheonix-Tallahassee-FloridaPhoenix, Tallahassee, Florida

gingerwillard.transition day.arlington.va.wk2Transition day and all the feels, Arlington, Virginia

CharlaineWilliams_options_PortlandOptions, Portland, Oregon

chloelodge_Making tracks_Dubai_week 2Making Tracks, Dubai

breanna peterson_school pick up. alaska-1School Pick Up, Alaska

Efi Panagoula_bedtime_GreeceBedtime, Greece

Week 1

WYWH_nicolaberry_First Snow Day of the Year_New JerseyFirst Snow Day of the Year, New Jersey

007.365Binary Birthday Cake, Massachusetts

breannapeterson. celebrate, 2018. alaska-1Celebrate, 2018, Alaska

jenlucas_WinterSnackLight_WIWinter Snack Light, Wisconsin

Kirsty Larmour_biggest and littlest cousins_Cambridge_Week01Biggest and Littlest Cousins, Cambridge, England

colleen_putman_sunday_night_lights_manhattanSunday Night Lights, Manhattan, New York

DebSchwedhelm-Snowpocalypse-VirginiaSnowpocalypse, Virginia

Photo 8-1-18, 11 23 39 amSummer Holiday, Echuca, Australia

Amanda-ODonoughue-the-girls-are-here-FloridaThe Girls are Here, Florida

kjarosz1_last day of break_The netherlands_Last Day of Break, The Netherlands

chloelodge_New Year's Resolution_Dubai_week 1New Year’s Resolution, Dubai

01-KayPickens-ChampagneFriday-StLouisMO-8206Champagne Friday, St Louis, Missouri

Week 52

CharlaineWilliams_endings_ArkansasEndings, Arkansas

colleen_putman_reflecting_on_the_year_and_what_is_to_come_floridaReflecting on the year and what is to come, Florida

kjarosz5_cousin dance off _Chapel Hill, NCCousin Dance Off, North Carolina

breanna peterson. last day of 2017. alaskaLast Day of 2017, Alaska

365.365All is Quiet, Massachusetts

pamelajoye_week52 - time in the sky - PennsylvaniaTime in the Sky, Pennsylvania

nicolaberry_New Year's Eve, Breckenridge, ColoradoNew Year’s Eve, Breckenridge, Colorado

chloelodge_Where there's smoke_Dubai_week 52Where there’s smoke, Dubai

Kirsty Larmour_waiting for winter walks_Barnsley_week 52Waiting for Winter Walks, Barnsley, England

jenlucas_FourBelowZero_WI_week52Four Below Zero, Wisconsin

DebSchwedhelm_JoyDivision_VirginiaJoy Division, Virginia

Processed with VSCO with c1 presetMoving into a new year, Greece

goat mother-amanda-odonoughue-floridaGoat Mother, Florida